M & M's Travel Blog

Monday, September 04, 2006

We're in Quebec City now. And it's been a long day. We walked a good portion of the historic area of Quebec, the section known as Old Quebec. The weather held out for us, with only a little drizzle. But that didn't matter, because the city made up for it.

I won't go in to it all at the moment, but we can sure tell you stories about how incredible this city is. It's just how we picture Europe would be. Seriously. But without the Krispy Kreme donuts we had in Montreal before leaving. Mmmm...

The food here is incredible. The culture, unbelievable. The exhaustion, formidable. So, off to get some rest.

We'll put some pictures up tomorrow for you all to check out. Ok, I'll put up a couple, but without captions. Hey, we're tired, and it's late!

Oh, and if anyone wants to travel, just three letters to remember...CAA. Lots of discounts from it, and great hotel rooms because of it.

And no, that's not a paid endorsement. But if they ARE reading this and want to reimburse us....

Just a thought.


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